Tuesday 1 January 2013

Intro - DuWop Private Self Adjusting Lipstick Holiday Collection;

First of all - This is a 6 piece set of DuWop's self adjusting lipsticks. They come in 6 shades (ofc) Private Red, Plum, Pink, Coral, Nude and Pearl. They change colour depending on the person, giving you the perfect shade to suit you.

This honestly sounded perfect to me, as I'm not someone who gets on with lipstick - having on that changes personally for me, who wouldn't love that? This contains pretty much every colour you'd want. They are only sample sizes, they're 2.33g which make them perfect for travel. The whole pack is £22 - considering one lipstick is £19 - you get a pretty good deal.

I bought these because I wanted to try the private red, and plum as these are the two colours I haven't found colours that I really like - I've found a pink and nude that I like, I'm not too bothered about finding a perfect coral shade.

The colours I really loved in the pack is plum and nude, the rest are ones I like, but they seem too 'bold' for me to wear.

I would buy this, but only once as I bought it to find what colours I'd buy in the full sizes. They're very moisturising and I only needed a small amount of lip balm to keep them moisturised before you put the lipstick on. It lasted about 4-7hrs on me without needing to top up.

This is perfect if you love lipsticks, you want a mini selection on colours to have handing, anyone who isn't confident wearing lipsticks.

You can buy them from BeautyBay.com for £22

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